First 5 San Bernardino Parent Kits Feature ‘Tool Bag’ for Fathers
San Bernardino, CA –First 5 San Bernardino has incorporated a new resource in the latest “Kit for New Parents” to include “Daddy’s Tool Bag”, a DVD guide that demonstrates essential skills for fathers to care for and bond with their newborn children.
The complete Kit for New Parents includes a comprehensive guide for the first five years, a health and illness handbook, a touch-and-feel baby book, and important information on literacy, learning, child safety, nutrition, discipline, developmental milestones and more. Kits are free with the new “Daddy’s Tool Bag” addition and are available in English and Spanish.
“Daddy’s Tool Bag” is an entertaining 45-minute “home-improvement” themed guide, created by Ted Hendricks, a father and fatherhood advocate. Fathers will be informed of various aspects of newborn care from changing diapers, bathing, installing car seats, administering medication, swaddling, feeding and other topics. Also featured on the DVD is the First 5 San Bernardino Resource Guide, which lists agencies in the County of San Bernardino that provide Health, Education, and Family support services.
Karen E. Scott, Executive Director of First 5 San Bernardino comments, “Fatherhood involvement is crucial to a child’s life. First 5 San Bernardino strives to ensure our fathers and ‘fathers-to-be’ are empowered by having the resources they need to be involved in the positive development of our children. This DVD is one of many initiatives we are including in our outreach to connect with fathers in our County.”
To request the Kit for New Parents, contact First 5 San Bernardino at (909) 386-7706. For more information on First 5 San Bernardino, visit our website at
About First 5 San Bernardino
The Children and Families Commission for San Bernardino County (First 5 San Bernardino) was created in December, 1998 in order to realize the benefits of Proposition 10 (California Children and Families Act) for the County’s youngest residents and their families. The act created a system of programs for the purpose of promoting, supporting, and improving the early development of children from the prenatal stage to five years of age.