Agreements Will Provide Job Training For At-Risk Youth
San Bernardino, CA – More than 130 at-risk youth in the City of San Bernardino will receive job training, work experience and additional support as a result of job-services funding. The funding was approved by the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors on June 13.
Contracts totaling up to $800,000 were approved with four agencies to provide academic enhancement, employment skills and occupational training for eligible youth under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
“These agreements reaffirm our commitment to help transform the lives of at-risk youth by providing them the tools they need to obtain good jobs,” said Robert Lovingood, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors.
The San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board (WDB) will oversee the programs, which will serve a minimum of 134 youth. The agencies selected for funding are Career Institute, First Institute Training, Provisional Accelerated Learning and the Youth Action Project. During the first year, they will provide occupational training, work experience, counseling, tutoring and supportive services to help place the selected youth in employment or higher education. During the second year, the agencies will provide follow-up services to ensure that the youth are successfully using the skills they obtained.
“Nothing breaks destructive cycles better than having career skills and a high-quality job,” said Tony Myrell, Chairman of the WDB. “This also helps businesses and the local economy by providing a pipeline of highly qualified employees. One of our major assets as a region is the young age of our workforce, and these kinds of programs help ensure that job training is in alignment with employer needs.”
Last year, the County announced an expansion of its network of youth services to include a greater number of young people from San Bernardino. That followed an announcement by the office of Gov. Jerry Brown to redirect WIOA funds to the county for the purposes of providing employment assistance to city residents.
“This is a wonderful opportunity for some of our most vulnerable youth to improve their career skills and find steady employment,” said Michael Gallo, who serves on the board of both the WDD and the San Bernardino City Unified School District. “Creating these kinds of opportunities is essential to growing our economy, improving our quality of life and transforming our community.”
For information on youth services providers through the WDB, please visit: