Fontana Replacement Hospital Eco-Fact Sheet
Designed for a Healthy Environment:
The Fontana Medical Center Replacement Hospital Will Deliver State-of-the-Art
Health Care with a Green Touch
Background: The Kaiser Permanente Fontana Replacement Hospital is scheduled to open next Spring and promises to be a continued emblem of health for the City of Fontana and for residents throughout the Inland Empire. The new 7-story hospital will have 314 private patient rooms. In the spirit of spring, here is a look at some of the eco-best practices that will come to life in the new 490,000-square-foot Fontana Replacement Hospital project which includes a new 50,000-square foot medical office building and a 23,000-square-foot central utility plant.
Kaiser Permanente has been at the forefront of advocating for environmental best practices in health care and the workplace for more than sixty years. In fact, when environmental policies were not de rigueur and as early as the 1950’s—Kaiser Permanente founder and industrialist—Henry J. Kaiser made a $5 million investment to install air pollution control equipment at the Kaiser Steel Mill in Fontana.
The Fontana Medical Center Replacement Hospital will integrate numerous sustainable best practices into the new facility. Here are a few of the eco-conscious features that will come to life at the future Kaiser Permanente Fontana Replacement Hospital:
Energy Conservation Features:
Energy-efficient air conditioning system
An automated mechanical control system is used to adjust temperature throughout the day based on actual hospital occupancy
Automatic light shut-off switches and fluorescent light fixtures to decrease the total energy usage
The hospital tower has a white-colored roof to absorb less heat and to help reduce interior cooling needs
Dual-pane glazing on all the exterior windows provides for better energy efficiency with less need for heating or cooling
Occupancy sensors are used for lighting
A 100% outside air ventilation system is used with a heat recovery system
A thermal fluid steam generator is used for less energy consumption versus a boiler
Individual temperature controls for each patient room reduce energy consumption and give more patient control over their own room temperature
Heat exchangers with heat recovery are used for domestic hot water, requiring less energy
Toxin Reduction Measures:
Fluorescent lighting is used to help reduce dioxins
Non-PVC backed carpet and rubber flooring are used which also includes recycled materials
Hospital includes furnishings and fixtures with fewer toxic chemicals
Use of low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) adhesives and paints
Sustainability Practices:
Use of sustainable growth lumber comprised of 100 percent recycled content
Un-recyclable construction waste was minimized
Variable primary flow chilled water distribution system
A construction waste management program was deployed to recycle construction materials
To streamline the construction approval process and to reduce the amount of paper used on the project, 95 percent of all construction approvals were completed electronically, and in turn, saved more than 130 trees
Water Conservation:
Use of native plants require less water
Pervious paving in parking areas and throughout campus filter storm water and divert water from storm drains
FDA approved water treatment systems are deployed for steam generators
When open, the Kaiser Permanente Fontana Replacement Hospital will provide a myriad of specialties including a cardiac center of excellence, a 51-bed emergency department, pediatric and neonatal ICU, pediatrics, ICU, labor and delivery, cardiac cath lab and surgery.