Food Drive in Redlands – THANKS
Thanks to the many schools and other organizations that are contributing to our holiday food programs, too.
If you weren’t able to contribute to this drive but would like todonate, feel free to drop off your donation at Family Service, 612Lawton Street in Redlands or to donate online by clicking on the Donate Now button. If you had food ready, but were missed in the pick up, please call (909) 793-2673 for assistance.
Here are a few other ways to help feed the hungry this season:
Gerrards Market is running a Bag Hunger food drive. Bags of food purchased at Gerrards will supply our families with holiday meals. Gerrards is located at 705 W. Cypress Avenue in Redlands. The cross street is Center.
Albertsons Market in Redlands is matching customer donations for holiday meals this Thanksgiving. You can contribute at any checkout stand. Albertsons Market is located at 450 E. Cypress Avenue in Redlands. The cross street is E. Redlands Bl.
Check out photos from the LDS Food Drive on our Facebookpage, and don’t forget to “like” us!
Thanks again for your support.
If you don’t live in one of these communities or didn’t get a bag, feel free to drop off donations at Family Service, 612 Lawton Street in Redlands. We will be open tomorrow until noon. Hours next week will be Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. and Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Saturday, November 19th we will be open from 8:00 a.m. – noon as well.
Too busy to shop? Feel free to contribute online by clicking here. You may donate securely via Paypal or by credit card.
Thank you! We appreciate all you do for families in need.
(909) 793-2673