Inland Empire Economic Forecast Conference
Riverside, CA – Join business, political and education leaders in Riverside California for the seventh annual Economic Forecast Conference. The conference will be held at the Riverside Convention Center at 3637, 5th St., on September 29th from 8:00 am to 11:30 am.
The keynote address will be lead by Christopher Thornberg, Director, Center for Economic Forecasting & Development and Robert Kleinhenz, Director of Research, Center for Economic Forecasting & Development.
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One of the most anticipated economic forecasts in California is almost here!
Find out where the local, state, and national economies are headed in the near term future
and join us for a deep look at what the Inland Empire will look like in 2035.
- The ongoing economic expansion: Is the U.S. due for another recession?
- Election 2016: Will the domestic economy be Hillar-iously successful or will it be Trump-ed by developments elsewhere in the world?
- Does the Fed have any policy ammunition left? And where are interest rates heading?
- California warning: Budget mess ahead!
- The Inland Southern California economy is doing fine but which sectors will lead in 2017?
- What’s holding housing back in the Inland region?
By the year 2035, Inland Empire will:
- Be the second largest population center in California
- Have more jobs than anywhere in Southern California other than Los Angeles
- Will see home prices that are double what they are today
What will the region look like and what does the growth mean for those who live here? Hear both a long range forecast and a vital discussion about how the growing demand for education, health services, and transportation infrastructure will be met.
Conference participants receive:
- The 2016 Inland Empire Economic Forecast Conference Book, complete with data and graphics illustrating where housing prices, employment, personal income, and other major economic indicators are heading
- Quarterly updates to the forecast by email
- The opportunity to network with hundreds of government and business leaders from across the region
More information,