Qualified veterans and their spouses seeking jobs in the county workforce will be guaranteed job interviews during the hiring process, under provisions of a revitalized veteran employment preference program approved.
City Manager Michele Nissen is pleased to announce the appointment of Ernie Reyna as the City’s new Finance Director. The appointment will become effective on Monday, June 4, 2018. Reyna...
The San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board has established Generation Go! Career Pathways, a countywide program providing work-based learning opportunities to high school students. A key component of its work...
Hundreds of qualified job applicants will have the opportunity to pursue high-quality employment opportunities during the 2018 East Valley Regional Job Fair on Thursday, June 14, at the National Orange...
Rep. Pete Aguilar introduced the Job Opportunity and Business Services (JOBS) Act, his bill to empower local Workforce Develop Boards (WDBs) to advertise their services to businesses in their areas.
he U.S. Department of Agriculture and Cal Poly Pomona have signed an agreement to create a joint Student Enrichment Program that will provide students with internships, information on careers within...
Amazon announced that two new fulfillment centers in Eastvale and Riverside are open and training associates to deliver smiles for customers. Up and Running, Amazon Announces New Fulfillment Centers in...
The 2018 Cal Poly Pomona Spring Career Fair will include a record 225 employers providing students with information about career opportunities, gathering resumes and networking to find their next top recruits. The...
More than 400 youths in San Bernardino County will receive paid work experience under a newly approved agreement between the County and the Foundation for California Community Colleges.
Twelve Norco College Career Education programs earned Bronze and Silver Star levels from the California Community Colleges’ Strong Workforce for their success in improving student employment and wage outcomes.