Local Public T.V. Station Adds Business Programming
REDLANDS, California, March 22, 2011— KVCR, Inland Empire’s Public Broadcasting station, has added the popular program, Small Business School, to the regularly scheduled programming on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Small Business School profiles successful small businesses to provide examples of how they have solved business problems to become leaders in their industry; or, how they have successfully created new market niches. As a nationally syndicated show, the program has attracted sponsors such as Microsoft, UPS, and IBM. Locally, the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and the San Bernardino Employment Training Agency (SBETA) sponsor the show for the Inland Empire business community.
SBDC director Vincent McCoy says, “We wanted to be involved in supporting television business programming for our 250,000 business firms in the Inland Empire. This unique program illustrates how real people have solved real problems, to earn leadership positions in their industries. It is a great resource tool for businesses, which is what we provide at SBDC, and it is a perfect fit for us.”
SBDC is a Small Business Association (SBA) sponsored business, teaching and coaching organization. The organization offers classes, consulting, financing assistance, and import/export assistance for businesses and start-ups.
Annette Kelly, Business Services and Marketing Manager for SBETA, agrees. “We have traditionally provided training and employee placement services to match employees with jobs. But, in this environment, we have also provided assistance to businesses in the City of San Bernardino. We will pay for professional business consultants to assist businesses that have the potential to hire people. We recognize that better businesses will grow and hire local people. This is our way of battling the unemployment rate. We believe the Small Business School television program support is another way to accomplish that goal.”
Bringing the Small Business School to the Inland region was the brainchild of management consultant Ray Anderson, who has a passion for helping small businesses. As a business coach, he understands that good content is voraciously consumed by busy business owners, and that featuring successful peers is an invaluable tool. “The T.V. show is impressive, but the Small Business School site also has the full text dialog, and questions with answers about the show,” says Ray.
However, this program is more than just a show, the sponsors and supporters of this television program will be nominating local businesses and entering them into a competition. The top businesses chosen will be featured in one of the Small Business School’s future programs, and the program will be filmed at their business.
The Inland Empire chapter of the American Marketing Association will participate in the “Best Marketer” business, a special breakout for the Small Business School program competition.
Chapter president, Beverley Robles, notes that as the “Marketing Authority” in the area, “we will lend our expertise to the evaluation of the marketing performance.” The American Marketing Association is based in Chicago, and is the world’s oldest and largest marketing association.
“We are looking for the best businesses in the Inland Empire to include in the fall lineup. Those selected will join the hundreds of shows on our website and provide inspiration for the rest of us,” states Anderson. “Stay tuned for more information.”
Whether you are starting, guiding or running a business, be sure to tune in to KVCR on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. For more information, go to IESmallBuisnessSchool.com, or visit KVCR.org. Those who are interested in sponsorship, should call Ray Anderson at 909.794.0232.