Ontario – Calling all Junior Olympians
Registration is being taken now for the annual Tot Olympics. This fun, Olympic-style event will be held on Saturday, March 2, 2013 at the De Anza Community & Teen Center Soccer fields at 1405 South Fern Street at 10 AM, check-in begins at 9:30 AM. Events include running, jumping, kicking and throwing for children, ages 3-6 years old. Ribbons will be given to all children, for each event. The $15.00 fee ($19.00 non-resident) includes a t-shirt, ribbons and refreshments. Registration is limited. Sign up early at the Armstrong Center located at 1265 South Palmetto Avenue or De Anza Community & Teen Center located at 1405 South Fern Street, or register online @ www.ci.ontario.ca.us
For more information please call (909)395-2020