A Chino Girl Scout who saved her friend from choking, a citizen who helped a deputy fight off an armed suspect in Loma Linda and a San Bernardino school principal...
The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department - Lake Elsinore Station will begin offering the public parking lot for use as a community meet up location where individuals conducting internet purchase transactions...
he first two bills by Assemblymember James C. Ramos (Highland), AB 1183 and AB 1662, were signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom. AB 1183 sets accountability for vessel operators and AB...
This week, the Science and Technology Education Partnership (STEP) announced an interactive program that will immerse 140 Riverside high school students in the application of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math...
The San Manuel Department of Public Safety joined the Los Angeles County Police Chiefs’ Association (LACPCA) and public safety agencies across the country to kick off its Pink Patch Project program at The...
The Corona Police Department is excited to announce a new community awareness program called Dog Walker Watch. Residents and their four-legged friends are invited to join and assist the police...
Imagine a 7.0 earthquake strikes along the San Andreas Fault and disrupts radio communications in the region. The cities of Upland and Rancho Cucamonga are fortunate to have a joint cadre...
Public education, planning and designing safer streets and closer collaboration with law enforcement pare keys to reducing a growing number of fatalities and serious injuries from traffic collisions throughout Southern...
May is National Bicycle Safety Month and the San Bernardino Police Department encourages drivers and bicyclists to share the road safely not just for the month of May, but every...
Special Olympics athletes and law enforcement officers will carry the Flame of Hope through the streets of Temecula to raise awareness and funds for individuals with intellectual disabilities.