Women’s Health and Wellness Forum: Taking Yourself to the Next Level
NAWBO-IE event, Thursday, October 21, Corona, CA
Corona, CA — The Inland Empire Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO-IE) will hold its breakfast event on Thursday, October 21, 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. in Corona. The event will be held at the Eagle Glen Golf Club (1800 Eagle Glen Parkway, Corona). Tickets are available by visiting the NAWBO-IE website at www.nawbo-ie.org.
In keeping with this year’s theme of Taking Your Business to the Next Level, NAWBO-IE has assembled a panel of three dedicated experts to inform and enlighten attendees about how to stay healthy and fit, especially during the upcoming busy season.
Three speakers will present ways to de-stress, stay physically fit, and keep nutritionally balanced. Attendees will leave with a plan for ensuring they thrive both mentally and physically in all they do in their businesses and lives. The well-regarded panel of experts will include: Cynthia Preston, a woman’s health specialist, speaking on stress reduction; Gwendolyn Moore, a clinical dietitian and director of food & nutrition at a local hospital, speaking on keeping our bodies healthy through nutrition; and Christi MacNee, a fitness specialist, providing the latest information on exercise and well-being.
October is breast cancer awareness month. And as the end-of-year approaches, potentially bringing even more stress and imbalance to everyone, it’s time for women business owners especially to proactively take a pulse of their personal health care activities. Business owners should take time from their schedules to attend this important event. It’s all about healthy body, healthy mind!
About NAWBO: One of 80 chapters nationwide, NAWBO-IE is the premier organization for women business owners in the Inland Empire, and is also a strong voice in Sacramento for public policy issues affecting women-owned businesses. To find out more about the vision and objectives of NAWBO-IE, the benefits of joining or becoming a corporate partner, please visit www.nawbo-ie.org