Anti-Blight Bill Passes Legislature, Heads to Governor's Desk
Assembly Bill 2314, authored by Assemblymember Wilmer Amina Carter, D-Rialto, which helps local jurisdictions and neighborhoods combat blighted foreclosed properties, passed the State Legislature Thursday and is headed to the Governor’s Desk.
AB 2314 eliminates the sunset date on existing statutory authority that allows cities to impose penalties of up to $1,000 for failure to maintain vacant residential property. The measure also provides purchasers of blighted property a 60-day grace period in which enforcement actions are prohibited as long as repairs are being made to the property.
“We need solutions to the problem of blight which threatens the health and safety of California communities hit hardest by the mortgage crisis,” Carter said.
Foreclosed properties are often marked by overgrown yards, heaps of trash and broken windows. The disrepair promotes blight and brings down property values. Vacant properties also become a magnet for squatters, gangs and drug dealers.
“Civil penalties are working in getting banks and realtors to maintain foreclosed properties,” said Assemblymember Carter, whose 62nd District has been hit hard by the mortgage foreclosure crisis. “AB 2314 will ensure that local jurisdictions continue to have the tools to fight neighborhood blight due to foreclosures.”
Carter is one of several legislators who have introduced bills in partnership with California Attorney General Kamala Harris as a part of the “Homeowner’s Bill of Rights” legislative package.
Earlier this year, California signed onto a $25 billion multi-state agreement with the five leading bank mortgage services, one of the largest financial recoveries obtained by the State Attorney General in U.S. history. The agreement will enable hundreds of thousands of distressed California homeowners to stay in their homes through enhanced loan modifications.
“We need to stabilize these communities,” Carter said. “Well-kept properties make for safer, cleaner neighborhoods.”
Previous story – Carter Anti-Blight Bill Advances to Senate Floor
Assembly Member Carter represents the 62nd District which includes Fontana, San Bernardino, Rialto, Colton, Bloomington and Rialto.
Visit Assembly Member Carter’s web site.