Fontana Announce a New Partnership with Omnitrans that will Provide Free Rides to City of Fontana College Students!
Fontana, California, June 13, 2011. The Mayor and City Council are pleased to announce a new partnership with Omnitrans that allows college students who attend California State University San Bernardino, Chaffey College, Crafton Hills College or Valley College to ride for free during the 2011-2012 academic year. Omnitrans is reaching out to the cities that are part of their Joint Powers Authority to help fund this program. At the end of the one year College Free Pass pilot program Omnitrans will seek student support to continue the program by making it sustainable through student fees.
Currently, approximately 6,211 students from the partner colleges reside in the City of Fontana and would benefit from the program. According to Omnitrans, just one student switching from driving to taking the bus removes 20 pounds of carbon emissions each day from the air we breathe. Because of the reduction of motor vehicle emissions, it allows the City to use funds provided by AB 2766 that are disbursed annually by the South Coast Air Quality Management District. These funds must be used for projects that reduce motor vehicle emission. “My colleagues and I are excited to implement a program that will not only reduce emissions, but will also help college students save money.” stated Mayor Warren.
If you need further information about the program, please contact Wendy Williams, Director of Marketing (909)379-7151 or