Gala Dinner to Award Riverside Attorney Jack B. Clarke
RIVERSIDE, Calif.- Riverside Attorney Jack B. Clarke, Jr. has been selected to receive the Frank Miller Civic Achievement Award for 2015 at a gala dinner May 21, 2015 at the historic Mission Inn Hotel & Spa. This award is presented annually by the Mission Inn Foundation to an individual or group that has provided outstanding civic leadership, service, and support to the community in the tradition of Frank Miller, founder of the Mission Inn.
This year’s honoree, Jack B. Clarke, Jr., has devoted many years of his life to support the City of Riverside and its citizens, making this one of the most livable cities in Southern California.
Previous individual honorees of the Frank Miller Civic Achievement Award include Dr. Knox Mellon, Howard “Tim” Hays, Hon. Victor Miceli, Peggy Fouke Wortz, Justice John Gabbert, Duane R. Roberts, Art Littleworth, S. Sue Johnson, Henry Coil, Jr., Gary Rawlings, Dr. Chuck Beaty, Ron and Marsha Loveridge, Cindy Roth, and Joe Tavaglione.
Jack was born in 1956, the oldest child of Jack and Elizabeth Clarke. He attended several elementary schools prior to enrolling in University Heights Middle School and John W. North High School where he was a member of the chess club and lettered in football as an offensive guard. Jack attended University of California Riverside where he was introduced to the art and sport of Shotakan Karate and became a black belt in less than two years.
In 1982 he enrolled in law school at the McGeorge School of Law (University of the Pacific) and graduated with distinction in 1985, passed the bar exam that same year, and began working for Best Best & Krieger in his hometown. By 1992, Jack became Best Best & Krieger’s first African-American partner. His exemplary service on behalf of school districts and other education clients has earned him countless professional honors including the James Krieger Meritorious Service Award, Teddy Bridges Outstanding Attorney Award by the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court, and Jack was recognized as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in California by the California Law Business Magazine—twice!
Jack has not limited his community service to law. He is past chair of the Board of Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce and the Raincross Group, as well as president of the UCR Alumni Board. He was named by Mayor Ronald O. Loveridge to chair the Use of Force Review Panel after the shooting of Tyisha Miller in late 1998. In 2011 he was presented with the Omar Stratton Award by the NAACO and named “Father of the Year” by American Diabetes Foundation.
Jack and his wife Sheila have two children, Chynna and Jack, who are students at two of Riverside’s high schools. Jack B. Clarke’s service to his family, to his profession, and to Riverside has earned the respect of people from every walk of life. He richly deserves this honor of being named the 2015 recipient of the Frank Miller Civic Achievement Award.
The annual dinner will take place on Thursday, May 21, 2015 in the Music Room of the Mission Inn Hotel and Spa. The reception will begin at 6:00 PM. Individual seats are $175 and table sponsorships are available. For information and tickets, contact Heather Ford at 951-781-8241.