Inland Empire Manufacturing Export as Growth Engine
Exports in the Inland Empire are growing and small manufacturers are largely responsible for this growth. Many small manufacturing businesses have difficulty understanding how to get started doing multi-national business. Export experts Elizabeth Glynn and Roy Paulson extend last year’s standing room only breakout session at this year’s Manufacturing Summit to help these business owners think about export as a growth strategy. A larger room has been planned to accommodate the crowd. Last year the Manufacturing Summit was sold out. Those wishing to attend should buy tickets soon to make sure they have a seat. To register, go to
Roy Paulson, of Paulson Manufacturing, in Temecula, will walk participants through his journey into global export. Roy is a member of the President’s Export Council. Paulson will discuss opportunities available to Southern California firms due to reforms in export controls, as well as from a proposed Pacific Rim pact that will somewhat parallel with certain nations in the Pacific Rim.
Elizabeth Glynn leads the session as an experienced export specialist working with CMCT. This session will highlight successful Inland Empire firms that have entered the export business. One such firm is Diamond Wipes, a Chino-based company, who is achieving their export goals. Diamond Wipes, is the original manufacturer of hot and cold disposable wipes in America. Chris Clarida, Vice President of Operations, will brief the audience on their strategy. Founded in 1994 has grown from a small restaurant wipe supplier to become the largest consumer and industrial wet wipes manufacture on the west coast, making the company a local success story. Today they occupy a 130,000 square foot plant in Chino and another plant in Ohio.
Paulson Manufacturing makes safety and personal protection equipment from fire to sports gear, and industrial welding shields to tactical riot face shields, helmets and body shields.
CMTC provides a full range of consulting services to manufacturers, such as continuous improvement, supply chain development and export services. These services allow you to increase revenue, reduce costs and improve employee performance.