McKeon Votes to Repeal ObamaCare
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Santa Clarita) today issued the following statement after House Republicans voted 245-189 to repeal ObamaCare:
“I joined House Republicans to fulfill the promise we made to our constituents last year through the Pledge to America to vote on a repeal of ObamaCare, the new health care law that if implemented would cost taxpayers and employers $2.6 trillion and add $701 billion to the deficit.
“Americans have made it clear through hundreds of townhall meetings nationwide and the Republican’s America Speaking Out initiative that they are fearful of the rate and degree to which the federal government is spending taxpayer dollars. ObamaCare would ultimately raise health care costs for individuals, families, and even employers, which would hamper small businesses from hiring additional employees or even keeping the ones they already have.
In fact, yesterday, 200 economists and experts jointly warned that the current health care law creates costly new mandates, penalties, and taxes that are ‘major barriers to stronger job growth.’ In an already weakened economy where job-creation is and needs to be the priority, I cannot fathom allowing ObamaCare to reach implementation.
What’s clear is that Americans don’t want it. A recent CNN poll found that 50-42 percent of people polled support a repeal of the Democrats’ health care bill. Therefore, following today’s passage of the repeal of ObamaCare, Republicans will engage in honest debate and work through Committees to craft commonsense legislation aimed at providing Americans lower costs and improved access to quality care.”
NOTE: Important Facts About Obamacare
Courtesy of the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce
If you like your current health insurance, you CANNOT keep it
- President Obama promised the American people that if they like liked their current health insurance, they could keep it under Obamacare. The Obama Administration has been forced to acknowledge that this promise was false as the new law could cause 87 million Americans, including those who get their insurance through their employers, to lose their current coverage.
Increases health insurance premiums
- The Congressional Budget Office found that Obamacare will increase health insurance premiums in the individual market by 10 to 13 percent more than without the new law.
Hurts Economic Growth With Tax Increases
- Obamacare raises taxes on American taxpayers by over $500 billion. Speaker Pelosi promised that Obamacare would create 4 million jobs, including 400,000 immediately. Despite those promises, unemployment remains at nearly 10%, and according to a study by the National Federation of Independent Business, an employer mandate like the one included in Obamacare could eliminate an additional 1.6 million jobs by 2014 (66% of those jobs losses could come from small businesses).
Fails to control health care costs
- According to a report by the Administration’s own Chief Actuary, the federal government and the country will spend $310 billion more under Obamacare than we would have without the new law.
Dramatically Increases the Federal Budget Deficit
- According to a report authored by the former director of the Congressional Budget Office, Obamacare will increase the federal budget deficit by over $550 billion in the first ten years of the law and then by $1.4 trillion in the following ten years.