Movies in the Park at Lake Gregory
Crestline, CA- Movies in the Park will began its fourth season with special thanks to Rim of the World Parks and Recreation for their involvement with the events. Movies will play on various Friday evenings beginning May 31st and finish August 23rd. The popular movie night at Lake Gregory Regional Park is announcing its 2013 summer movie schedule with a diverse list of titles, including a few new releases like The Odd Life of Timothy Green and Wreck It Ralph to oldies but goodies like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and Casablanca.
“We are excited about the fourth year of Movies in the Park,” said Kristie Stevens, Event Coordinator for San Bernardino County Regional Parks Department. “We love seeing the families cuddled together under their blankets, watching a movie and enjoying their time in the great outdoors.”
Moviegoers are encouraged to bring a blanket or their favorite low back chair and enjoy an evening under the stars. Pack a picnic dinner or enjoy items from the snack shack. Movies will begin at 8:30 p.m. The Rim of the World ball fields will open one hour prior to the start of the show, so come down early and participate in our trivia game where you can win fabulous prizes. The movies are $4.00 person and 2 years and under are free. We ask that you leave the pets at home for this outing.
The 2013 Movies in the Park Schedule includes:
July 12 Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
July 26 Brave
August 9 Free Willy
August 23 Casablanca
Located in the community of Crestline, CA, Lake Gregory Regional Park is tucked in the cool cedar and pine forest of the San Bernardino Mountains. For more information please call (909) 387-2461 or visit our website at