San Bernardino WDB: New Board well positioned to meet workforce needs
San Bernardino – The San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board held elections on Wednesday, March 23 under its new 19-member structure. Tony Myrell of Premier Medical Transportation was elected Chair, Phillip Cothran of Cothran Insurance Agency as Vice-Chair, and William Sterling of Sterling Synergy Systems, Inc. to Second Vice-Chair.
[ecko_quote source=”Workforce Development Board Chair Tony Myrell”]“The new Workforce Development Board is comprised of people with solid experience in businesses that represent the demand industries in our region,” said Workforce Development Board Chair Tony Myrell. “We look forward to continuing to serve the residents of San Bernardino County.”[/ecko_quote]
The modification comes under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the federal funding stream for local workforce development activities. WIOA reduced the number of board members and further ensures that the focus and responsibility of the board is strategic analysis of the local workforce. The new San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board is well to meet local and regional employers’ workforce needs.
Private sector business leaders comprise the majority, including the Chair and Vice-Chair positions. Twenty percent of the board represents local workforce, labor and community-based organizations. Other members include representatives of higher education and literacy, vocational rehabilitation and economic development.
Business sector members include Anita Tuckerman (Stirling Development), Jonathan Weldy (Meridian Land Development Co.), Michael Gallo (Kelly Space & Technology), Terry Klenske (Dalton Trucking, Inc.), Billy (BJ) Patterson (Pacific Mountain Logistics), Jonathan Novack (Patton Sales Corp.), and Kenneth Boshart (Boshart Automotive Testing Services).
Representing Labor are John Gauthier (Roofers Local 220) and Laurie Stalnaker (San Bernardino – Riverside Central Labor Council). Rene Castellanos (Operating Engineers Training Trust) represents Joint-Labor Management.
The community-based organization representative is Joseph Williams (Youth Action Project). Dr. Dale Marsden (San Bernardino City Unified School District) represents Adult Education and Literacy, and Dr. Henry Shannon (Chaffey College) for Higher Education.
John Andrews (City of Ontario) was appointed to represent Economic and Community Development, and Cherilyn Greenlee (State of California Employment Development Department) and Robert Loeun (California Department of Rehabilitation) the State Employment Office and Vocational Rehabilitation.
“The broad scope of viewpoints reflected by the new Workforce Development Board will support our Countywide Vision of building a vibrant economy with a skilled workforce,” said San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors Chairman James Ramos.
The Workforce Development Board strives to ensure that employment and training services are coordinated so that job seekers acquire necessary skills and credentials that meet the needs of employers in San Bernardino County.
“The Workforce Development Board will continue the work of the Workforce Investment Board,” said Workforce Development Board Executive Director Sandy Harmsen. “It contributes to economic growth and business expansion by ensuring the workforce development system is job driven.”
The expertise of each board member brings valuable insights to developing solutions and enhancing the skills of the regional workforce.