Wells Fargo Presents Check for $25,000 to Women’s Business Centers
PALM DESERT, C.A. – Coachella Valley Women’s Business Center (CVWBC) and the Inland Empire Women’s Business Center (IEWBC) are the recipients of Wells Fargo’s $25,000.00 Community Connections Grant. The recipients received the checks during a special ceremony at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 26, 2015 at the CVWBC office in Palm Desert.
Presenting the check were Wells Fargo Desert Gateway Branch Manager Matt Davitt and Monterey Store Manager Greg Ramirez; Michelle Skiljan, Executive Director of both CVWBC and IEWBC was on hand to receive the check.
Wells Fargo embraces its responsibility to be a leading corporate citizen and the opportunity to create more resilient, sustainable communities through its operations and actions. A part of this is the Community Connections Grant, which is given to support non-profit organizations that assist their communities in areas such as community development loans and investments, environmental initiatives, and team member philanthropy and volunteerism.
CVWBC and IEWBC are programs of the Inland Empire Center for Entrepreneurship at Cal State San Bernardino. Housed in the College of Business and Public Administration, IECE, which administers the programs in collaboration with the U.S. Small Business Administration, is inland Southern California’s leading organization dedicated to supporting and promoting entrepreneurship. Both centers provide business counseling, training and mentoring designed for women business owners, but available to all.