IEUW Golf Classic Achieves Record Breaking $36,000 for Local Children
Rancho Cucamonga, CA – On the morning of Monday, September 23, over eighty golfers flooded into the Red Hill County Club for the Inland Empire United Way (IEUW) 4th Annual United for Kids Golf Classic. The day of golfing and giving commenced with breakfast and a Mega Putt Contest.
As participants took to the green, they had the opportunity to interact with Hole Sponsors on the course to enjoy food, drinks, and freebies. Participants were able to compete in four additional contests on the course. Golfers enjoyed the friendly competition, while also learning about how IEUW positively impacts local children in need through a number of in-house programs. Golfers were able to see exactly what the Kids Pack Program supplies its beneficiaries every weekend to help ease food insecurity, how Launch Point helps prepare youth in the community for a bright future, how the school supplies teachers are able to select from our School Tools Teacher Resource Center benefit students, and the importance of volunteers who attend ieReads story time events.
The lunch awards ceremony included raffles, silent auctions, and more information about IEUW programs and their impact on children in our community. The day of golfing and festivities brought in a record breaking $36,000 to help in the efforts of supporting children in need.
Committee Co-Chair, Wayne Guzman of Benefits that Benefit Children, described the event as, “Such a beautiful day and incredible way to launch the fall season. . . joining together with colleagues and friends to support the Annual Inland Empire United Way Golf Classic! The generosity of our participants was extraordinary and will be so appreciated by the children of the Inland Empire helped through our efforts. Thank you for your partnership and we look forward to seeing you again next year!”
Interim CEO & President Shirli Driz said, “This year’s golf classic once again demonstrated the amazing impact we can have as a community when we join forces. The success of the event will allow IEUW to increase the number of local children that we can serve. I would like to send a warm-hearted thank you to all the golfers, sponsors, and volunteers that have and continue to help us reach our tenacious goals.”
“The success of the 2019 Inland Empire United Way’s Golf Classic is an example of the continued support of our sponsors and volunteers in our quest to help local children in need thrive in school through programs such as Kid’s Pack and School Tools. This year’s net proceeds exceeded all previous tournaments and we are thankful and excited for this event’s continued growth and impact,” Committee Co-Chair, John Bibeau of CBRE noted.
IEUW would like to thank UPS, California Steel Industries, Audi of America, Sun Country Marine Group, CarNow, and all of our sponsors and volunteers who made the day a success.
About Inland Empire United Way
Inland Empire United Way is committed to improving the lives and futures of children and families in need by investing in Education, Health, and Financial Stability. We are proud that contributions given local, stay local. By partnering with a network of local nonprofit organizations, United Way delivers critical services to our community, connects individuals in crisis with needed resources through 2-1-1, and increases the power of local charities by providing dedicated volunteers.