Re-imagine Downtown Fontana, Workshop: Define Your Priorities
Fontana, Calif. – The City of Fontana invites you to attend the Re-imagine Downtown Workshop from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, August 20, 2016, at the Cypress Neighborhood Center to share your ideas for the future of Downtown Fontana. The workshop is part of the continuing Fontana Forward General Plan Update process, the first of three public workshops focused specifically on the Downtown area, from Foothill Boulevard down to Merrill Avenue, with a special focus on the blocks around Sierra and Arrow and the Metrolink Station. Participants will be asked to define what they want to see in Downtown Fontana. See video.
At the recent Sunset on Sierra event and at the Mayor’s Downtown Roundtable, city staff received public comments regarding wanting to make Downtown Fontana an inviting destination where people want to spend more time. The top requests included making the streets and public spaces more comfortable, safe and walkable in the daytime and evenings, attracting more restaurants, shops and special community events that appeal to locals and visitors of every age and ethnic group.
In the Re-imagine Downtown workshop, the General Plan team will share short presentations of information and ideas to spark discussion and community collaboration. Attendees will work together in small groups to envision the possibilities, discuss alternatives, and define priorities for both short-term and long-term goals for the Downtown and surrounding area. We encourage you to unleash your creativity and ideas, from new business attraction to arts and education, to new housing options, to health and safety, to parks and recreation, to traffic, parking and active transportation options. We want to hear from you. Join us at the Cypress Neighborhood Center located 8380 Cypress Avenue.
The General Plan is the City’s official guide for decision making about future development and covers topics ranging from housing, transportation, and parks to health, economic development, and infrastructure, as well as land use. California law requires that all cities have a General Plan. The City of Fontana is updating the General Plan for the next 20 years. Over the past few months, residents shared ideas with each other, planners, and city leaders in public meetings, workshops, and surveys about what they would like to see in Fontana’s next two decades. The downtown area plan will be an integral part of the General Plan Update. For more information go to