The November 13 Public Safety Power Shutoff Community meeting is now available to view online. The meeting, in partnership with the Fontana Chamber of Commerce and Southern California Edison (SCE) was...
Thirty-six Etiwanda High School students gave up six of their Saturdays this fall to listen to local business owners talk about dressing for success, showing up for work on time...
MCIE Partner, Education through Imagination, LLC., a STEAM education and career exploration company, inspired by the work of Garner Holt Productions, will talk about how partners are informing kids and...
Fontana Unified School District was named Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) district of the year for the West End and East Valley regions of San Bernardino County during an...
Mayor Acquanetta Warren was appointed to the National League of Cities (NLC) 2020 Presidential Election Task Force, joined by some of the most influential mayors, council members and directors across the...
The Mayor and City Council were presented the Helen Putnam Award of Excellence for the City’s Health and Wellness Program, Fontana Walks! by the League of California Cities at the...
Mayor Acquanetta Warren was appointed to California State Treasurer Fiona Ma's new Housing, Economic Development, Jobs and Opportunity Zone Ad Hoc Committee, alongside 11 other housing and economic development experts.
The City of Fontana Department of Housing and Business Development wants to know your thoughts on current economic development, community and housing needs through an online Needs Assessment Survey. Take...
About 500 high school students, including approximately 420 from San Bernardino County, will take part in the annual Manufacturing Day Expo at the Industrial Technical Learning Center (InTech) in Fontana...
The 67th edition of the annual California RV Show, coming Oct. 4 -13 to its new location at Fontana’s Auto Club Speedway, promises a rare opportunity for RV fans to...