San Bernardino Police Explorers Volunteer To Clean Waterman Corridor
San Bernardino, CA – The San Bernardino Police Explorers spent a full day of their summer break giving back to the community by cleaning up the Waterman Ave. corridor between 30th and 40th Street during a time when temperatures reached 101 degrees.
San Bernardino Police Department Explorers, who range in ages from 14-21, saw a need to clean up Waterman Ave., a street that acts as a gateway to those entering from, and exiting to San Bernardino from the mountain regions. Trash, debris, and overgrown landscaping blighted the area and the teens, most of whom are San Bernardino City residents, sprang into action.
“These kids, our San Bernardino Police Department Explorers, have been out here since 9:00am along the Waterman Ave. corridor to help beautify this city.” said Lt. Michael Madden. “Hopefully it means a lot (to San Bernardino residents), as you drive up and down the corridor and see volunteer kids, coming out in the hottest part of the day and doing everything they can. I am so incredibly proud of these kids.”
With the support of Burrtec Waste and the City of San Bernardino Public Works, these kids hydrated and made the cleanup happen despite the heat. The San Bernardino Police Explorers are involved in a number of community service projects and have learned to take ownership of things that need to be done in their own city. Several neighbors and residents drove by the cleanup and, seeing the explorers in their bright green vests, offered positive comments about how they were changing the look of the neighborhood.
The Explorer Program is a unique challenge that provides our youth with a first-hand opportunity to learn about an exciting career in law enforcement. The goal of the program is to help our youth gain insight into police work through first-hand experiences and assisting police professionals within the department in a variety of departmental and community engagement events. These enthusiastic young men and women are exposed to several aspects of the law enforcement profession to include, the importance of service to our community.