Fast forward to October and the inventor of the Source hydropanel, Cody Friesen, has been awarded a $500,000.00 Lemelson-MIT prize for inventing the Source hydropanel.
Fall is the best time to plant water-saving, garden-friendly plants. If you are ready to transform your yard into a more sustainable landscape, then this workshop is for you. Attendees...
Riverside County Supervisor Chuck Washington is seeking applicants to serve on the Temecula-Elsinore-Anza-Murrieta Resource Conservation District.
Assemblymember Chris Holden’s legislation, Assembly Bill 1054, which protects ratepayers and increases accountability for investor owned utilities, was signed into law today by Gov. Gavin Newsom.
One of the most visible and egregious abuses of pollution happens in third world countries where, due to the lack of waste services, discarded plastics are thrown into rivers and...
Representatives from Southern California Edison (SCE) and the San Bernardino Council of Governments (SBCOG) presented the City of Fontana with an award for being a local leader in energy efficient...
Safety continues to be a top focus for the City of Eastvale and we are prioritizing community safety in an effort to maintain a safe environment for our community to...
Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) is proud to continue its investments in groundwater quality and sustainability through its Groundwater Reliability Plus (GWR Plus) initiative. GWR Plus is a comprehensive approach...
The Inland Empire has been approved for more than $1.2 million in funding for innovative projects that use technology and data to reduce vehicle travel and improve quality of life.
Senator Connie M. Leyva today introduced legislation establishing ‘smog check’ requirements for heavy-duty diesel trucks in California. Unlike personal vehicles, current law does not require heavy-duty vehicles to have the...