Volunteers needed at the County Museum in Redlands
The Education Division is recruiting volunteers to be gallery interpreters at the San Bernardino County Museum in Redlands. Gallery interpreters chat with visitors informally about the exhibits and collections at the museum.
“Our volunteers are the connection between the museum’s collections and visitors,” said Curator of Education Jolene Redvale “They fulfill an extremely important role in our educational mission. New volunteers are provided with training in interpretive skills and given on-going opportunities to continue a commitment to learning. We teach content and skills to help volunteers begin a rewarding experience in service to your community.”
There will be two orientation sessions; Wednesday, January 12 and Saturday, January 15, from 10am to 11:30am. Potential volunteers are recommended to make reservation to attend this orientation; those interested can attend one session based on their schedule. Additional training sessions will follow in January and early February.
To volunteer, contact Jolene Redvale at (909) 307-2669 ext 252 or email her at jredvale@sbcm.sbcounty.gov. Volunteer applications are also available on our website www.sbcountymuseum.org.
The San Bernardino County Museum is at the California Street exit from Interstate 10 in Redlands. The museum is open Tuesdays through Sundays and holiday Mondays from 9am to 5pm. For more information, visit www.sbcountymuseum.org. The museum is accessible to persons with disabilities. If assistive listening devices or other auxiliary aids are needed in order to participate in museum exhibits or programs, requests should be made through Museum Visitor Services at least three business days prior to your visit. Visitor Services’ telephone number is 909-307-2669 ext. 229 or (TDD) 909-792-1462.