Fill a Kettle, Fight for Good with Chicken Soup for the Soul Author, Mark Victor Hansen
San Bernardino, CA – We are delighted to announce that our Annual Christmas Kettle Kick-Off Luncheon will be held on November 15th, 2018 from 11:30am-1:00pm at the Arrowhead Country Club at 3433 Parkside Dr, San Bernardino, CA 92404.
The program will be hosted by world renowned author and founder of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book series, Mark Victor Hansen, and will include a kettle competition, special presentation, live music, and a delicious lunch.
Since 1887, The Salvation Army has served the San Bernardino area with a range of services. Its Community Center on 2626 Pacific St in San Bernardino has become a beacon of hope and restoration… from helping hungry friends, low income families, to youth programs, character development programs, to bridge housing for men coming out of addiction programs and helping homeless families and single women obtain permanent housing.
The Salvation Army in San Bernardino has been working to end suffering and develop people on many fronts. Last year we served well over 65,000 people, with emergency assistance, housing, holiday assistance, and referrals, the Salvation Army San Bernardino stands ready to serve.
We hope you will be able to join The Salvation Army and the San Bernardino Advisory Board in support of our Christmas Kettle Kick-Off Luncheon, and in honor of our distinguished host, Mark Victor Hansen. Let’s give help, hope, and hand-up to those in need this Christmas season!