NASA Partnering with Riverside Community College District and TriTech SBDC
Update: NASA and RCCD Sign Ceremony
Riverside, CA – TriTech Small Business Development Center (SBDC), hosted by Riverside Community College District (RCCD), is entering into an agreement with NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California to pilot a business model to spur economic development.
[ecko_quote source=”Michael L. Burke, chancellor, Riverside Community College District”]It is an honor that NASA has chosen to partner with RCCD’s TriTech SBDC on such a significant economic development program. RCCD, its three colleges, and the business community will reap the benefits of this partnership.[/ecko_quote]
NASA and Riverside Community College District will sign the Space Act Agreement on Monday, April 17, 2017 at 5 p.m. on Rooftop Terrace at RCCD’s downtown office building in Riverside. This agreement between NASA and TriTech SBDC is unique because it marks the first time NASA has partnered with a community college district.
The partnership is expected to help facilitate the technology transfer and commercialization of NASA technologies into the Southern California region. The agreement will allow TriTech SBDC to assist in opening new frontiers for businesses, which in turn could spur job creation in Southern California.
[ecko_quote source=”Armstrong’s Center Director David D. McBride.”]This partnership will help expedite the transfer of cutting-edge NASA technology to local businesses for the betterment of our country [/ecko_quote]
“By using established economic development organizations like TriTech SBDC, we can reach a broader audience from industry. We are looking for businesses to apply our technologies and successfully commercialize NASA technology,” said Armstrong’s Center Director David D. McBride.
The agreement will grant TriTech SBDC the authority to be a liaison for licensing NASA research and for development technologies, which could spur business development and high-wage jobs in the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego. TriTech will model technology-driven economic development strategies and models, and will assist in replicating the models nationwide.
“The signing of the Space Act Agreement opens NASA’s doors to businesses and colleges,” said Michael L. Burke, chancellor, Riverside Community College District. “It is an honor that NASA has chosen to partner with RCCD’s TriTech SBDC on such a significant economic development program. RCCD, its three colleges, and the business community will reap the benefits of this partnership.”
TriTech signed a similar business development agreement with the U.S. Navy, leading to licensing of technologies through the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Corona Division. The Partnership Intermediary Agreement with the Navy was a model for the NASA agreement.
“TriTech SBDC will forge new business relationships in California emphasizing commercial aerospace technologies,” said Mark Mitchell, director, TriTech SBDC. “With 85 percent of jobs in the U.S. created by small businesses, we believe that the commercial aerospace industry will remain a major employer. As a result, small and medium sized companies could start businesses outside of traditional aerospace industry by repurposing aerospace technologies such as information technology, materials science, sensor technologies and additive manufacturing.
“TriTech SBDC, with a portfolio of $590 million and 1,300 jobs created or retained since 2006, anticipates the five-year agreement to create high paying technology jobs in our region and over a thousand throughout the state.”
To register for the formal signing event, please contact Brittany Cox at 951-571-6226 or
About NASA’s Regional Economic Development Program
The TriTech Small Business Development Center is partnering with NASA’s Regional Economic Development (RED) program, and managed by NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California. The RED program is part of NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate. RED is NASA’s effort to spark economic growth by creating, contributing to, catalyzing, and supporting economic and innovative ecosystems across the country. For more about NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center, visit
About TriTech Small Business Development Center
TriTech is a Small Business Development Center (SBDC) that works with high technology high growth firms by offering no cost consulting and training to entrepreneurs and businesses looking for go-to-market strategies that will accelerate the growth of their enterprise. TriTech also provides trainings and workshops on topics that are relevant and valuable to the business community. All of TriTech’s services are provided at no cost to small businesses. For additional information about TriTech Small Business Development Center, visit