In the past year, the region has experienced a higher share of job growth than the nation, California as a whole, and neighboring Southern California metros, according to an analysis...
“The House That Wasn’t Built. Housing Scarcity: The Inland Empire’s Natural Barrier to Economic Growth” was held Nov. 6 at the Riverside Convention Center. It coincided with the release of...
The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) provided grant awards to 69 recipients for the California Small Business Technical Assistance Expansion Program (SB TAEP). The state’s $17 million...
Mayor Acquanetta Warren was appointed to California State Treasurer Fiona Ma's new Housing, Economic Development, Jobs and Opportunity Zone Ad Hoc Committee, alongside 11 other housing and economic development experts.
The City of Fontana Department of Housing and Business Development wants to know your thoughts on current economic development, community and housing needs through an online Needs Assessment Survey. Take...
The City of Eastvale explored a financial priorities discussion with the City Council and the community to gain a better understanding on what and when the community desired the City...
The City of Fontana announced a Housing and Community Development grant awarded for $625,000. The grant will streamline housing approvals and accelerate housing production in the downtown Fontana area.
The Inland SoCal Link iHub has been awarded grant funding from the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO‐Biz) to enhance cybersecurity in businesses in the Inland Empire. Six businesses were selected through a competitive...
A new study that looks at the size of businesses in the Inland Empire is shedding light on growth trends occurring in small businesses and among self-employed workers in the...
Home Chef, one of the largest meal kit delivery companies in the U.S., is expanding in San Bernardino County, nearly tripling the size of its operations.