City of Eastvale Awarded $250,000 for Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant
Eastvale, CA – The City of Eastvale was awarded $250,000 for the highly competitive Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funded by Caltrans. The city plans to install crosswalk enhancements by retrofitting existing traditional pedestrian crossings at signalized intersections with Countdown Pedestrian Signals at 46 locations and audible APS Controller Units at 22 locations.
Studies have shown that the countdown signals, both visual and audio, are less confusing for pedestrians. They are less likely to begin crossing the intersections if they know that they will not have enough time to completely cross, based on the information provided on the signal. In addition, the timing greatly reduces the likelihood of pedestrians being caught in the middle of the crossing when the vehicle signal changes. The City’s goal for this project is to greatly improve safety, encourage walking and avoid pedestrian/vehicle collisions.
The City of Eastvale was recently recognized as the #1 Best Places to Live in the State of California and #17 Best Places to Live in America, as awarded by Money Magazine, 2016.
Eastvale is one of the newest cities in Western Riverside County. Eastvale incorporated on October 1, 2010 and has an ever-growing population of over 63,162 residents, making Eastvale one of the fastest growing cities in the State of California (source: CA Department of Finance). Eastvale is 13.1 square miles strategically poised between Interstate 15 and California State Routes 91, 60, and 71, making access easy for residents, visitors and businesses alike. Residents and visitors find the close proximity of Ontario International Airport to be a metropolitan advantage yet enjoy the small-town, neighborly charm of our young community.