Moreno Valley, CA - Congressman Mark Takano, a former Riverside Community College District trustee, announced this week that Moreno Valley College has been awarded a five-year, $1.2 million grant from...
FeRita Perna Carter, Ph.D., has been appointed as vice president of Student Services at Riverside City College, effective July 11. As vice president, she’ll oversee many of the student resource divisions...
Riverside, CA - Riverside City College had two students place at the National SkillsUSA Conference in Louisville, KY last week. Kristian LoVerso, a graduate of Riverside Christian High School, took...
Riverside, CA - Riverside City College Veterans Club has won $10,000 from Home Depot for the remodeling of its Veterans Resource Center. Since 2014, the Student Veterans of America Center...
BLU Educational Foundation Hosts Annual Scholarship and Awards Reception with More Than $150,000 in Financial Assistance Given to California Students Entering Colleges and Universities this Fall Masons of California and...
CVWBC ANNOUNCES L.E.A.P. (LOCAL ENTREPRENEURS ATTAINING PROFITABILITY), A THREE MONTH-LONG TRAINING AND MENTORING SERIES! Palm Desert, California. - The Coachella Valley Women's Business Center (CVWBC) is presenting a new program...
Thursday, June 16 | 11:30 a.m. Mission Inn, Riverside [ecko_button color="blue" size="normal" url=""]Buy Tickets[/ecko_button] Riverside, CA - Come join us in a discussion about current trends in new employee orientations. We will...
Riverside, CA - Riverside Community College District’s colleges will celebrate the Class of 2016 with commencement ceremonies on Thursday, June 9. Riverside City College, which celebrated its Centennial anniversary in...
March Field Air Museum will exhibit fabric artwork of 100 local students in conjunction with the nationwide Dream Rocket Project. The exhibition opens Sunday, June 5 and continues through July...