Riverside Fire Pink Brigade at Pink on Parade
The Riverside City Fire Department will be supporting a team at the upcoming “Pink on Parade” 5K/Fun Walk at Ryan Bonaminio Park on Saturday, October 15. The Pink Brigade will consist of RFD employees, family, and friends who are walking to raise funds for The Pink Ribbon Place, Riverside’s first-and-only-breast cancer resource center that provides products, support, and services to all women, men, and their loved ones going (or have been) through breast cancer at no cost. This program specifically serves our area and is part of the Riverside Community Health Foundation. Registration/Check-in begins at 0730. The walk starts at 0830. There will be a 5K and shorter Family Fun Walk around the park followed by special activities such as the Dip Tank featuring Councilmember Mike Gardner, Mayor Rusty Bailey, Police Chief Sergio Diaz, and Deputy Fire Chief LaWayne Hearn.
If you would like to donate to our team, please go to the following link: http://pinkonparade.org/team?kwoAdvocateID=GK29GD5
If you would like to join our team as a participant, you can register online at www.pinkonparade.org and look for “Riverside Fire Pink Brigade” under the “Find a Team” tab.
Last year’s event earned over $45,000 for The Pink Ribbon Place. Riverside Police and Fire Departments generally have a challenge to see who can raise the most funds. The Fire Brigade Team held a fundraising event in September earning almost $9,000 for the Pink Ribbon Place, so we are raising the bar this year for RPD. Both departments also participate by displaying an emergency vehicle with breast cancer awareness decals or wrapping. Below is this year’s decal design and photo of last year’s RFD team.