The Big Bear Computer Club is offering a Windows 10 Settings Workshop on Monday, July 31, 2017 from 1:15 pm until 3:15 pm. The Workshop will be held at the...
The San Berndardino County assessment roll contains 810,304 taxable parcels valued at $206,576,804,207, which is a 6.1% net increase as compared to the 2016 assessment roll. Notably, this is the...
Now in its 11th year, the program is offered by the Inland Empire Women’s Business Center, a program of the Inland Empire Center for Entrepreneurship at Cal State San Bernardino in...
The Coachella Valley Women's Business Center recently hosted a graduation ceremony for the graduates of their, "It's Your Time: An Entrepreneurial Training Series for Women".
As a testament to the continuing economic growth within the Inland Empire’s High Desert region, Stirling Development is pleased to announce it has executed a three-year 195,508-square-foot industrial lease with...
How 348,000 credit union members in the Inland Empire are spending their money on homes, remodeling projects, new and used automobiles, higher education, surviving life events and other big-ticket items provides a...
The Ontario City Library Veterans Resource Center in partnership with the Inland Empire Small Business Development Center is proud to present a FREE seminar on How to Start A Small...
More than 130 at-risk youth in the City of San Bernardino will receive job training, work experience and additional support as a result of job-services funding. The funding was approved...
Don't Miss Out on Tax Credits for Your Company. State of California Offering Over $200 Million in Tax Credits to Businesses of All Sizes
The North American Free Trade Agreement, now under review by the Trump administration, will be the topic of a presentation by retired Ambassador Shaun Donnelly sponsored by the World Affairs...