[ecko_quote source="Senator Richard D. Roth"]SB 269 is a bipartisan, commonsense solution that will guarantee access for disabled Californians by providing small businesses with the tools and resources necessary to comply...
Loma Linda, CA - Liberata Ashilevi was a survivor of the Rwandan Genocide who immigrated to the United States as a refugee. As a resident of Loma Linda, she turned...
Ontario, Calif. - More than 250 business and civic leaders were on hand for the grand opening of The Corporate Advocate’s new offices in Ontario. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was held...
San Bernardino - The San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board held elections on Wednesday, March 23 under its new 19-member structure. Tony Myrell of Premier Medical Transportation was elected Chair,...
ONTARIO, CA - The 5th annual Manufacturers’ Summit, scheduled for April 26 at the Ontario Convention Center, will provide a day filled with leading edge information for the industry and...
The 5th annual Manufacturers’ Summit, to be held Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at the Ontario Convention Center,
Photo caption (Above): The Corporate Advocates team Left to right: Matthew Ditty, Vendor Relations, Dustin Garbaciak, Social Media Director, Linda Gellis, Director of Agent Support, Oasis Flores, Hanssel Felix, General...
(Redlands, CA) - The American Marketing Association Inland Empire Chapter will be holding an educational and interactive program titled “GIS and the Role it plays in Marketing” on Thursday, April...
ONTARIO, CA (March 30, 2016) The 5th annual Manufacturers’ Summit, scheduled for April 26 at the Ontario Convention Center, will provide speakers and breakout sessions aimed at informing manufacturers on...