Fontana: Plan to Improve Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety is Ready for Review
Fontana, Calif., The City of Fontana’s first Active Transportation Plan is now ready for review after 11 months of public outreach. The plan has been developed based on community and stakeholder input and reflects the needs and aspirations of the City of Fontana to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety. We invite the public to review this Draft Plan and provide comments to Brett Hamilton via email by Tuesday, July 11, 2017.
In October 2016, the City of Fontana launched a community outreach effort to gather suggestions to develop the city’s first Active Transportation Plan. “This plan will provide a clear framework to become a community that is healthy, engaged, economically vibrant, family-oriented and safe,” stated City of Fontana Engineering Manager Noel Castillo. The plan will be used as a tool for improving walking, bicycling and transit access for better connectivity throughout Fontana and to surrounding cities and the region.
The ATP Plan will:
- Identify opportunities and challenges for implementation of improvements
- Recommend improvements to existing city-wide bicycle and pedestrian pathways
- Propose new bikeways, pedestrian walkways, Safe Routes to School networks, and close existing gaps
- Establish on-going maintenance programs for these non-motorized pathways
- Create a Bicycle Master Plan
- Create a Pedestrian Master Plan
- Create a Trail Master Plan
- Provide a comprehensive project list from which a priority list of 20 project locations and an implementation plan will be created
- Provide a “Best Practices” toolkit for implementation of all identified non-motorized transportation facilities
- Design Standards which will include standard cross sections
Public outreach started in Oct, 2016, see previous post on Active Transportation Plan to Improve Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety.
The public has until Tuesday, July 11, 2017 to submit comments on the Draft Plan. The Final Report is scheduled to be completed by the end of July 2017 with it going to the Fontana City Council in August 2017.