Montclair: World Water Day Symposium to Highlight Regional Integrated Conservation Efforts
Photo Above: The Water Conservation Center at the Chino Basin Water Conservation District
Montclair, Ca – The U.S. Green Building Council Los Angeles Inland Empire Branch will host a local symposium to discuss the continued importance of integrated water conservation strategies during the “post-drought” environment at the Chino Basin Water Conservation District’s Water Conservation Campus in Montclair. The World Water Day Symposium will take place from 5 to 8 p.m. on Wed., March 22, a date designated by the United Nations as World Water Day, a day to celebrate water.
“We want to foster a conversation that engages local experts on strategies to plan, design, and maintain effective water conservation strategies that integrate the built and outdoor environment,” said Eera Babtiwale, chair of the USGBC-LA Inland Empire Branch Steering Committee, which is co-organizing the event. “We encourage landscaping professionals, architects, planners, engineers, conservation staff, developers and contractors to attend and participate in this critical discussion of the natural resource Southern California treasures the most—water.”
The symposium will begin with a networking session and a guided tour of the CBWCD Water Conservation Center for a close-up look at the latest water-saving practices and technologies on display. Following, a panel discussion will highlight the importance of conservation; discuss opportunities for net zero water strategies in new development projects; highlight regional strategies for water reuse, capture, and conservation; and provide an update on emerging technologies. Guest speakers include: Dr. Stephanie Pincetl, Dr. Erik Porse from UCLA California Center for Sustainable Communities, Tim Becker from Theodore Payne Foundation, Janet Hartin from University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, James Del Monaco from P2S Engineering, and Grady Lee from Impact 2030.
Register online at Tickets for USGBC members are $10, $15 for nonmembers and free for full-time students. Appetizers will be provided. This is the first time that the World Water Day Symposium will be held at CBWCD.
Founded in 1949, Chino Basin Water Conservation District owns and maintains groundwater recharge basins and offers water conservation education, demonstration and training programs through its Water Conservation Campus and demonstration garden. CBWCD’s state-of-the-art facility and garden are a hub for community members interested in learning how to conserve water. Every month, the district offers landscape and irrigation workshops – many of them free – for beginners and professionals alike interested in reducing water use and creating sustainable, climate-appropriate outdoor spaces. The district’s workshop and event schedule is available online.