Riverside Public Utilities Receives Double Honors in APPA’s Excellence in Public Power Communications Awards
Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) received double honors from the American Public Power Association (APPA) at its Excellence in Public Power Communications Awards, presented today at the association’s Customer Connections Conference.
“We work hard to create communications materials that keep our customers informed and up-to-date on the work of their hometown utility,” said RPU’s Assistant General Manager of Marketing/Customer Relations Michael Bacich. “So we are very proud when our efforts are recognized by our public utilities peers like this.”
The APPA holds the awards to recognize member utilities for their outstanding communications efforts with their customers. Twenty-four public utilities received recognition this year, with entries being judged within a newly expanded awards format featuring four separate entry categories: print, social media, video, and web.
Riverside Public Utilities received two Awards of Excellence – one in the “print” category for its in-depth Financial Report, and one in the “video” category for its “I Own It” video presentation, which features some of RPU’s residential and commercial customer-owners talking about the many benefits a public power utility can provide a community.
Winning utilities this year showed ingenuity and creativity in copy, design, financial data, graphics, organization, social media interaction, video editing, web layout and interactivity, and how each utility communicates their special story.
For additional information on Riverside Public Utilities, visit us on the web at www.RiversidePublicUtilities.com