San Bernardino County Meeting For Likely Board Vacancy
San Bernardino, CA – The Board of Supervisors will hold a special public meeting at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 13, to discuss the process for filling a likely vacancy on the board.
Preliminary results of the Nov. 6 election indicate Third District Supervisor James Ramos has been elected to the State Assembly and, as a result, a vacancy for the remaining two years of his current term on the Board of Supervisors will occur. The voter-approved County Charter requires the board to appoint a qualified elector (individual residing in the Third District and registered to vote 30 days prior to the application period) to fill the remainder of the unexpired term, otherwise the responsibility for the appointment transfers to the governor. The charter does not specify a process for the board to follow in making an appointment.
On Tuesday, the Board of Supervisors is scheduled to discuss and determine the process it will follow in making an appointment assuming the vacancy occurs in the Third District, which includes all or portions of the cities of San Bernardino, Grand Terrace, Colton, Loma Linda, Highland, Redlands, Yucaipa, Barstow, Big Bear Lake and Twentynine Palms, the Town of Yucca Valley, and surrounding unincorporated communities and areas. A detailed map can be viewed at The public will have an opportunity to comment on the process the Board of Supervisors will follow for making an appointment.
Tuesday’s special meeting will be held in the Covington Chambers on the first floor of the County Government Center, 385 N. Arrowhead Ave., San Bernardino.
More information about Agenda & Application