Riverside County Sheriff’s Department Citizens Academy
Riverside, CA – The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department Citizens Academy begins Monday, February 27, 2017, and continues every Monday through April 17, 2017. Deadline for registration is Friday, February 17, 2017.
The Citizens Academy is a free program designed for citizens of Riverside County. The goal of the Citizens Academy is to provide a greater awareness of law enforcement’s role within our communities. The academy will be held at the Ben Clark Training Center, located at 16791 Davis Avenue, on Monday evenings from 6 to 9 p.m. The Citizen’s Academy does not require any physical training. Qualified applicants will be contacted regarding classroom location.
Sheriff’s Department Overview
Course Curriculum Information Includes:
- Personnel Division
- Sworn and Non-Sworn Academies
- Field Training Officer Program
- Professional Standards Bureau
- Patrol Operations
- Force Options
- Special Enforcement Bureau (SWAT)
- K-9 Team
- Hazardous Device Team
- Forensics Services Bureau
- Dispatch Communications
- Court Services
- Aviation Team
- Volunteer Program and Opportunities
- Chaplains Corps
Outside Events:
- Jail Tour
- Coroner’s Office Tour
- Dispatch Tour
Eligibility Requirements:
Potential candidates for the Citizens Academy must meet the following criteria:
- 18 years of age at the time of application
- Reside in the County of Riverside
- No felony arrests
- No misdemeanor arrests within one year of the application process
- Each candidate will have an informal background check conducted by the Sheriff’s Department
The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department reserves the right to deny any applications.
Interested citizens can sign up for the Academy at RegionalTrainingProgram.org . For more information, contact Correctional Corporal Ricky Valentine at (951) 486-2798 or Sergeant Harry Cohen (951) 486-2986.
This academy is NOT the Basic Peace Officer Academy.
Please visit JoinRSD.org or the County of Riverside Human Resources Division if you are interested in applying to be a Deputy Sheriff or Correctional Deputy for the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department.