FATHER, SON TO EMCEE MILLION FATHER MARCH Team Joins Outreach Effort To Prevent Teen Prostitution FONTANA, CA. Local residents Dr. D.C. Nosakhere Thomas and son, Kamaal Thomas, say...
DECORATING: WHAT’S COLOR GOT TO DO WITH IT? On Tuesday, September 4, 2012, at 7:00 pm the Ovitt Family Community Library will host an exciting presentation about home decorating. Meet...
ABO, Enterprises, Inc. Welcomes California Attorney Services San Bernardino, Calif. - ABO, Enterprises, Inc., a leading Inland Empire based commercial real estate firm has completed an agreement with California Attorney...
Tidleys Clothing and More Turns Fashion Passion into Cause for Vets San Bernardino, Calif. - Tidleys Clothing and More is set to open a new 7,500 square foot retail store...
CURIOSITY QUEST WITH JOEL GREENE. On Monday,September 10, 2012, at 6:30 pm the Ovitt Family Community Library will screen an episode of the popular television show Curiosity Quest that...
This Sunday 8/12 6pm, Watch Mike Morrell on Fox News with Anchor Brett Baier Inland Empire, CA – California has been especially hard hit by recession, fiscal mismanagement and overspending. Mike...
Local University Students Curate the Museum Pilot Programs Lets Students Get Firsthand Experience Working with Cutting-Edge Contemporary Artists and Curators at the Riverside Art Museum Inaugural Opening of the Riverside...
Words Hurt; Art Heals Film Sheds Light on Derogatory Expression that Hastened a Community’s Deterioration and How Its Citizens Came Together Tijuaneados Anonimos Film Screening and Discussion, In Conjunction with...
City of Eastvale Appoints Carol Jacobs as New City Manager EASTVALE, CA – At their meeting yesterday evening, the Eastvale City Council unanimously approved the appointment of Carol Jacobs...
San Bernardino, CA - Kim Carter, Founder & Executive Director of a local nonprofit, received the "Team Work & Partnership Award" given by the City of San Bernardino's Crime Free...