Join the Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce at its latest Business Seminar, “Marketing on a Shoestring Budget,” where you will learn low-cost, effective ways to market your business and provide...
RIVERSIDE, CA — Fashion’s Night Out (FNO) is a fashion and shopping extravaganza event that was first launched in New York in 2009. Since then, FNO has become an international phenomena...
The San Bernardino County Museum will be open on the Labor Day holiday, Monday, September 3, 2011, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Regular museum admission fees apply. Museum visitors...
James Ramos announced his opposition to the use of eminent domain as a way to deal with underwater mortgages in San Bernardino County. San Bernardino County along with the City...
The City of Ontario and San Bernardino County announced today the anticipated formation of a Joint Powers Agreement to create the Ontario International Airport Authority (OIAA), a major step in...
Members of the San Bernardino Valley Amateur Astronomers will set up their telescopes for a Moon Party at the San Bernardino County Museum in Redlands on Saturday evening, August 25,...
Assembly Bill 2314, authored by Assemblymember Wilmer Amina Carter, D-Rialto, which helps local jurisdictions and neighborhoods combat blighted foreclosed properties, passed the State Legislature Thursday and is headed to the...
Redlands, CA – The University of Redlands School of Business is proud to announce the inaugural Scott Lindsay Memorial Golf Tournament on Monday, October 1, 2012 at the Upland Hills...
STARTING A BUSINESS: PRESENTATION IN SPANISH Financial Advisor, Gamaliel Enrique Mendez, will be at the Ovitt Family Community Library on Tuesday, September 25, 2012, to discuss Starting a Successful...
The San Bernardino County Museum kicks off its 2012–13 Guest Lecture series on Wednesday, August 22 at 7:30 p.m. with Alan P. Garfinkel, Ph.D speaking on bighorn sheep. The lecture...